Who are we?
The 300 + members of Indivisible of Monroe Twp. are mothers, fathers, grandparents, sisters and brothers who are concerned about the future for our families. We are one of 6,000 affiliates nationwide dedicated to effecting change through legislative advocacy, education, and community outreach. We began with a handful of people meeting in each other’s homes and grew as others who share our concerns for honest, truly representative government joined us.
What do we want?
We are working to ensure that our legislators listen to their constituents, that they are willing to put country before party – in short, we want transparency and accountability from those who represent us in New Jersey and in Washington. Our goals are to help pass progressive legislation into law.
Our greatest concerns:
- Affordable healthcare for all Americans
- The escalating cost of prescription drugs
- Counteracting the growing influence of hate groups
- Fair & just immigration & refugee policies including DACA
- Safeguard environment & social safety net, (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security)
How are we working to effect change?
- Outreach to legislators. We are bringing our concerns to them through letters, phone calls, and visits to their offices
- Educational programs for the community, because we know that an informed electorate is the best path to positive change Get out the vote initiatives.
How can you help?
Get informed! Contact us to join our mailing list to receive updates on what’s happening in Congress and the New Jersey legislature, and on our meetings and ongoing actions
Get involved! Check us out on Facebook, attend a meeting, join one of our committees – do as much or as little as you want. Every little bit helps in ensuring a government that represents YOU!